OSVConnects+ London Recap

Published November 15, 2024

4 min read

OSVConnects+ London Recap

Last week, we hosted OSVConnects+ London, a special event that brought Workday’s London community together for a day of learning and networking. Held at the iconic Troxy venue on November 13, we welcomed nearly 130 attendees, along with guests from Workday, CIPP, and some of our valued customers. The day was packed with exciting product announcements, demonstrations, and conversations.

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Since this was an exclusive event with limited attendance, we’ve created this recap to highlight the most significant announcements and key takeaways.

Welcome and introductions

The day started with a welcome from Gavin Hutchinson, our EMEA service delivery director. He outlined the agenda and provided an overview of OSV’s payroll services for EMEA, which include administrative and managed payroll, global payroll, and local services like P45, P60, and P11D processing.

Gavin also addressed our expansion into Irish payroll alongside Workday (more on that in the section below). This expansion underscores both our commitment to being a strategic partner with Workday and to serving the needs of EMEA customers.

UK payroll roadmap with Workday

After Gavin’s introduction, Danny Rice, Workday’s UK product lead, took the stage to present Workday’s UK payroll roadmap. His presentation highlighted key updates and future enhancements within four primary themes:

  • Optimizing efficiency
  • Elevating the employee experience
  • Delivering actionable insights
  • Ensuring compliance

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Danny discussed specific features, including the introduction of OCR for onboarding and new AI-driven functionality. But the biggest announcement was about the Workday rollout of Ireland Payroll in 2025. Once available, Ireland Payroll will be offered as part of the UK SKU, which will be renamed UKI. He also announced that Dublin-based teams are developing this expansion and provided a high-level timeline for what to expect next year.

Workday Payroll demonstration

Next, Sian Ormston, principal solution consultant at Workday, demonstrated many of the features from Danny Rice’s presentation, including the introduction of OCR technology for onboarding and Workday’s new capabilities with AI and global payroll.

Executive fireside chat

The day continued with a fireside chat featuring several members of OSV’s leadership team. Moderated by OSV SVP of Marketing Lauren Lund, the panel included:

  • Carl Madaffari, SVP of Product Management
  • Michael Roseman, Chief Operating Officer
  • Kelvin Gray, Chief Customer Officer

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The panel discussed OSV’s priorities and services roadmap, as well as the importance of connection, conversation, and customer input. With that in mind, the panel invited the audience to share their biggest challenges with the group.

CIPP policy team update

Matthew Akrigg from CIPP’s policy team took the stage next to provide an informative update on key legislative changes impacting payroll, including:

  • The income tax threshold freeze will end in 2028.
  • Beginning April 1, 2025, the minimum wage for employees ages 16-17 will rise by 18%, while workers ages 18-20 will see a 16.3% increase. Workers who are 21 and older will receive a 6.7% increase.
  • Starting in 2026, most benefits in kind must be reported through payroll, though some will still use P11D forms for now. Voluntary payrolling is possible but complex, so planning is key.

This session was invaluable for attendees looking to stay on top of payroll compliance requirements.

Workday & OSV customer panel

For our final presentation, OSV Senior Customer Success Manager Megan Sweeney led a customer panel with representatives from AstraZeneca, Topgolf, and Ordnance Survey. The panelists shared their experiences with OSV and Workday, discussing how both companies have helped them tackle challenges and achieve meaningful impacts within their organizations. 

  • AstraZeneca shared how they grew their headcount by 40% without increasing their payroll team.
  • Ordnance Survey reported a significant drop in error occurrences, which has allowed them to identify root causes much quicker and led to faster remediation of data and business processes.
  • Topgolf focused on the confident knowledge transfer their team experienced as a new customer on multinational Workday Payroll.

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Roundtable discussions

With the presentations complete, attendees engaged in interactive roundtable discussions on various relevant topics:

  • Best practices for Workday Payroll processing
  • Global payroll and international complexities
  • Advances in payroll reporting and analytics
  • Technology and Workday enhancement opportunities
  • Financial well-being through earned wage access solutions

These discussions enabled participants to explore specific issues, share experiences, and gain insights directly from OSV and Workday experts.

Networking reception

We concluded the day with a networking reception, where guests enjoyed food and drinks while connecting with peers, exchanging insights, and building relationships within London’s Workday community.

Connect with us to take your business farther

We’re thrilled to have hosted this event for the UKI Workday community. If you’d like to learn more about any of the topics covered or explore how OSV can support your organization, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!

Published November 15, 2024

4 min read

OSVConnects+ London Recap

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